
Description: Perennial herbaceous plant, up to 90-150 cm tall. Roundish or oval leaves, where basal leaves are much bigger than those of the stem. Capitulum placed  in 3 – 3.5 cm corymbs shape flowerhead. Glabrous bracts and obvolute.

Distribution throughout Kosovo: In barren places near settlements, roadsides, near forests, etc.

Parts used: Dried roots (Bardanae radix), leaves and fruits.

Harvesting: Roots are harvested in autumn (X-XII) and spring (II-IV).

Drying: Dried in ovens, in layers up to 20 cm and in temperature 60 0C. Ratio: 4:1.

Therapeutic category: Diuretic, skin regulator.

Use: Traditionally, the root has been used in cases of gastrointestinal illness; leaves are used against eczema.

Preparation and dosage: Roots serve for preparing cold infusion used for internal needs, whereas the oil extracted from the root is used as an external skin emollient, as well as for hair growth and anti-rheumatism.
