Description: Two or perennial herbaceous plants, up to 1.5 m height with round leaves, kidney shape, heart shape from 3-7 bridge alike spikes and long tailed. Rosy to purple petals 13-30 mm, 3 times longer than sepals.
Spread out in Kosovo: It grows in grassy areas, by the roads and pastures.
Consumable parts: Leaves (Malvae folium) and flower (Malvae flos).
Harvesting: Leaves and flowers are harvested during the spring and summer (V-VIII).
Drying: It should be done in oven in temperatures 45-50 0C (leaves). Ratio:5:1 (leaves), 8:1 (flower).
Therapeutic category: Sedatives, painkillers.
Use: For curing the mucous of the mouth, throat, stomach pit, as well as a sedative.
Preparation and dose: 5 g extract of dried leaves or flowers boiled in 150 ml boiling water and are used within the day.